Electric Eye is a media creation & web company in Minneapolis.

The Electric Eye Ultimate Banned List
last updated: 09/17/2024


added 2003-03-23
Hosted by: super-zonda.com
emails - date: subject
2003-03-23: Where were you 2 weeks ago?
2003-04-02: When will you be back?
2003-04-12: Nice weather eh?
2003-04-12: Nice weather were having here eh?
2003-04-14: Babe i'm sorry. Call me bac =)
2003-04-23: Do you remember me ?
2003-04-28: Where were you the other day?
2003-05-01: When can we get together?
2003-05-03: Its me!!!
2003-05-09: RE: Your Check
2003-06-27: Yo !
2003-06-27: Sweet ! Dude !
2003-06-29: Check this out!